Orthopedic Physiotherapy
Primarily focuses on treatment of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system composed of joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and tenders.
Primarily focuses on treatment of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system composed of joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and tenders.
→ Pheumatoid Arthritis (R)
→ Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
→ Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow
→ Inflammatory disc disorders
→ Spondyloarthropathy, Coccydinia, etc.
→ Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement, etc.
→ Spinal Surgeries
→ Ligament Surgeries
→ Ankle Surgeries, flat foot, etc.
→ Patello-femoral Pain Syndrome
→ Baker's Cyst, Meniscal Degeneration
→ OA (knee, hip, etc)
→ Tendinitis / Tendinopathy (Plantar Fasciatis, TAchilles Tendinopathy etc).
→ Degenerative Disc Conditions
→ Vertigo etc.
→ Cervical & Lumbar Sponds
→ Disc prolapse, Slipped disc
→ Degenerative Ligaments Injuries like impingement syndrome, etc.
→ ACL PCL, Other ligaments injuries
→ Tears & Twists of muscles
→ Muscular dystrophy, Sciatica
→ Muscular Sprains, Piriformis Syndrome
→ Dequervains Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
→ Ankle Sprains, Patella Tendinitis, Bursitis